Song of Ourselves Vol 1 Part 4

Set texts for examination in 2023 – Paper 1
Section A: Poetry
Candidates answer on one set text in Section A (Poetry).
From Songs of Ourselves Volume 1, Part 4, the following 15 poems:

Margaret Atwood, ‘The City Planners’
Boey Kim Cheng, ‘The Planners’
Thom Gunn, ‘The Man with Night Sweats’
Robert Lowell, ‘Night Sweat’
Edward Thomas, ‘Rain’
Anne Stevenson, ‘The Spirit is too Blunt an Instrument’
Tony Harrison, ‘From Long Distance’
W H Auden, ‘Funeral Blues’
Thomas Hardy, ‘He Never Expected Much’
Fleur Adcock, ‘The Telephone Call’
Peter Porter, ‘A Consumer’s Report’
Judith Wright, ‘Request To A Year’
Charles Tennyson Turner, ‘On Finding a Small Fly Crushed in a Book’
Percy Bysshe Shelley, ‘Ozymandias’
Stevie Smith, ‘Away, Melancholy’

These may be found in Songs of Ourselves Volume 1: The University of Cambridge International
Examinations Anthology of Poetry in English (Cambridge University Press). Poems printed on the paper will be as printed in this text.