CVC Words

  1. What are CVC words?
  2. Why are CVC words important?
  3. How to Use Flashcards?
    1. _AT Words
    2. _AN Words
    3. _AP Words
    4. _EN Words
    5. -UN Word

What are CVC words?

CVC are basic three-letter words that follow the basic pattern Consonant-Vowel-Consonant.

Ex: cat, sun, dog, etc.

Why are CVC words important?

CVC words introduce children to the fundamental sound of consonants and vowels simply and systematically. Mastering these word patterns early will ensure a strong foundation for reading and spelling. These words are often the first words that children learn to read independently, thus boosting their confidence. These words help to associate letters and sounds. For ex: when they encounter the words “Cat” they associate the letter “c” with the “k” sound.

How to Use Flashcards?

Materials Needed:

CVC Flashcards:

CVC Words

A comfortable and quiet space

Activity Steps (first 7 days):

  1. Choose a quiet and comfortable space for the activity.
  2. Sit with the child at eye level to maintain engagement.
  3. Show the first flashcard to the child, pronounce the word clearly, and ask the child to repeat it.
  4. Read the letters and ask the child to repeat them.
  5. Show the next flashcard and repeat the process, providing positive reinforcement.

Since Day 8 (Matching Activity):

Matching Activity for CVC Words and Pictures

Materials Needed:

  • Set of picture cards corresponding to CVC words
  • Set of CVC word cards
  • Realia (if possible)

Activity Steps:

  1. Mix up the picture cards and word cards, laying them out on a flat surface, such as a table or the floor.
  2. Ask the child to choose a word card and find the corresponding picture card. Encourage them to sound out the word if they need help identifying the match.
  3. Once the child has matched the word and picture correctly, provide positive reinforcement and move on to the next pair.
  4. Continue the activity, allowing the child to work at their own pace and providing guidance as needed.
  5. To add variation, you can time the activity and see if the child can improve their speed with practice.

_AT Words

These words are simple, easy to pronounce, and will appear in early reading materials.

_AN Words

_AP Words

_EN Words

-UN Word

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